President’s Message

Hi Everyone

As we have now got stuck into the new season, we are starting to see some strong individual and team performances coming through, across Vets, Juniors, Girls and Seniors – do check the weekly scores updates on our social channels. It is also very pleasing to see very healthy numbers at all levels at the training sessions – a big thank you to all our coaches, team managers and captains for the work they do. It bodes well for the season ahead.

Centenary Ball 9th December – Please Book!
It’s only 5 weeks to go to book your tickets for this one in a 100 year event! Please remember tickets can also be bought for those under18 as long as they are in the company of adults. This is a major event for the club and we very much want to encourage all parts of the club to join – ex players, current players, partners, family, friends. Please support the club and get ready for a fantastic evening. Tickets must be booked by the end of November at the latest, so book your tickets as soon as you can. Centenary Ball details and booking here.

Small things matter
We had a lovely email from the secretary of Mont Albert Cricket Club this week, expressing his thanks to our Dunstan Shield Team (1st XI) for their conduct at the game last weekend and for the special effort the team made in clearing out the rooms after use. This was noticed by several Mont Albert members and to use the words from Mont Albert ‘While only a small thing, it speaks volumes of your club and its people to have players show this respect and it did not go unnoticed’ . Small things do indeed matter, so thank you to our 1st XI and please let’s follow the standard set.

Thank you for your support

Go Iris!

Jim Parry

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