Junior Team Sponsorships

Find a Business to Sponsor Your Team and get $50 off your Centenary Ball Ticket
Sponsors for Junior Teams

At last the 23/24 season is underway. Hopefully the navigation of Play HQ and subs is done and we can turn our attention to sound of bat on ball and enjoying a warm summer of cricket.

We do need your help though. The club is looking for your support in finding a sponsor for your team:

How does this work?
As a junior parent/guardian coordinate through your team manager, you find a business to sponsor your team at $300. Your team name and sponsor logo will be hung in the clubrooms, with a sponsor mention when your team gets a mention! Plus a big incentive – When you find a team sponsor you’ll get a $50 refund off your Centenary Ball single or couples ticket.

If you have already bought your ticket or wish to buy your ticket now and find your sponsor later, no worries, we’ll refund you the $50.

Please send confirmation of your sponsor plus a jpeg file of the sponsor logo to David Long at: davidllong1975@gmail.com.

We’ll issue you with an invoice template to send to your sponsor.

Centenary Ball details and booking here.

Thank you for your support

Go Iris!

Jim Parry

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