Registration, Play HQ and Subs


Subs FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the new Subscriptions structure for 24/25.

Q: Why are subs increasing?
​A: Subs now include all match fees for the year. You will no longer need to pay $5/$10 per game but will pay more in annual Subs.

Q: So I end up paying more for Subs this year?
​A: No. Assuming $10 per week (18 weeks), match fees totalled $180 per season (plus finals). Senior Subs are increasing by $125 per year meaning an overall saving of approx.$55

Q: Can I get a refund if I don’t play the whole season eg what if I am injured?
A: The Committee will consider requests for refunds in exceptional cases.

Q: What if I am unavailable only for the 1st or 2nd halves of the season?
A: If you are only available for the pre-Christmas games or the post-Christmas games, you will be eligible to just pay a “half-payment”. This does not apply if you are playing games before AND after Christmas…in this scenario you will pay full subs. Please contact the registrar if this applies to you.

Q: I am a 17yr old student…what Subs category to I fit into?
A: A 17 year old is no longer eligible for junior cricket and is therefore a senior cricketer. The correct Subs category would be Senior Concessional.

Q: I only want to play a few social games…what will be my cost of registration?
A: If filling in for 1 game, you will be classified as a “fill-in” player at no cost. You will not receive stats as a “fill-in” player
As was the case last year, Glen Iris will allow players to play up to 3 games for a nominal cost which includes player insurance. Please contact the Registrar if this applies to you.

Q: I am a Life Member and don’t pay subs…do I have to pay anything?
A: As we are no longer collecting match fees, there will be a small registration fee to cover costs of balls etc. Fee will be $90 for seniors and $50 for those Life members that play Vets only.

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