Glen Iris Cricket Club has a long and proud history of building an inclusive and welcoming culture around its junior program and this now includes two girls teams.
Our program is built around the following simple philosophy:
- Creating a positive and encouraging environment.
- Players to learn and develop their cricket and life skills.
- Enjoying the game of cricket and making new friends.
- Place sportsmanship above winning at all costs.

GICC invites girls interested in cricket to register for the upcoming 2024/25 season. Registrations are now open on and are conducted through PlayHQ (see below).
Our philosophy is to create an encouraging and positive environment for girls to flourish and learn the game of cricket.
Girls who are at least 8 years of age by 28th February 2025 are eligible to play in Season 2024/25. Age group eligibility will be determined based on the player’s age as of 1st September 2024. Girls teams are broken into three levels (“Stages”, 1, 2 & 3) based on competency (rather than age) and play on Wednesday evenings between 5 and 8pm.
U9/10/11 and Girls Stage 1 serve as an introduction to cricket, are ungraded (with no finals), promote equal participation (e.g. multiple dismissals allowed) and use a plastic ball. U12+ and Girls Stages 2/3 competitions are graded (with finals), use a hard leather ball and follow the laws of cricket (with some modifications).
Please follow the link to our Junior Policies & Procedures document for detailed information on our policies and procedures, especially GICC’s policies on team selection and fair play.

The link to register for GICC Juniors is:
First time users of PlayHQ can link their child’s Cricket ID to their PlayHQ account. If your child does not have a Cricket ID, they can be registered (for free) at:
The PlayHQ registration form will allocate players to ECA age groups based on their age at 1st September 2024. Girls can instead indicate their preference to play in the All Girls Wednesday evening competition where asked on the form. For any other desired variances, e.g. players who would prefer to play ISEC match times, play two matches, play up age groups etc., please indicate where asked on the form or contact the Junior Coordinator.
The PlayHQ registration form asks if the player has any Disability Details. If your child has any medical issues not covered by this question that you feel we should know about, please notify the Junior Coordinator on registration, or the team manager and coach before the first training session.
We strongly encourage parents/guardians to register (for free) as a Volunteer through PlayHQ. There are many roles that need filling at training and on match days so adult assistance is required and greatly appreciated!

All players will be required to proudly wear a GICC playing shirt and cap when representing the Club. Shirts and caps from previous seasons can be worn again this season or new clothing can be purchased from the Club’s online shop.
New players to GICC Juniors this season will need to purchase a playing shirt and will be presented a free cap from the Club before their first match.
When purchasing playing shirts, please note that our Girls teams wear a yellow, junior shirt. To keep costs down for families, these shirts are provided for sale at close to cost.
A sizing chart for junior shirts can be found in the Junior Policies & Procedures document.
Players will be required to wear long white pants. These can be purchased from any cricket or sports store.
The Club supplies all U9-12 and Girls teams with an equipment kit that includes helmets, bats, pads and batting gloves. For hygiene reasons, players must provide their own abdominal guard/protector (box). These can be purchased from any cricket or sports store. Batters in all junior grades must wear a helmet and box at training and in matches.